This week I got the chance to ask Boris and MuiMui (creators of one my favourite travel blogs) some questions! Thanks so much to them for the answers! To all of you reading this - check out the interview - it's honest, interesting and passionate! Also don't forget to check out their blog -!
Holly - What attracted you to travelling in the first place and how did it become a reality?
Boris - I grew up in France and have always been attracted to the US. I finally went there for an internship and loved it. Once I graduated, I immediately found a job in San Francisco. I loved the city so much that I was disappointed to have ended up there before seeing more of the world. One year before our world tour, I told MuiMui that I wanted to move abroad and experience life in a different country. She replied that if she had to leave everything, she wanted to see more of the world. We agreed to go on a world tour together.
MuiMui - My desire for travel grew from loving parents who worked all the time and basically from their lack of travel. In college, I snatched every chance I had to travel outside of the US. Then when I joined the corporate world, travel became my yearly escape. When I met my Boris, he would challenge me when I would say, "I wish I could ..." so here we are, circling the globe.
H - How is travelling different from taking a two week holiday?
B - Traveling has nothing to with going on holiday. First, you always have to look at your budget to make you can make it to the end of your travel and that you don’t have a bad impact on the populations. Second, traveling is, for us, more oriented towards meeting people and learning cultures than just sightseeing. Last, I would say that when you travel you have to give yourself time to rest and reenergize.
M - The two do not have to be so different but as a typical American, my short and infrequent holidays seem to dictate how I travelled initially, so I would automatically try to maximize my experience by seeing as much as I can and within the western comforts I am use to. It was when I went to Vietnam for the first time on holiday and explored the small villages and did away with my usual comforts that made me realize how much I was missing out on.
H - Imagine I have enough money to visit 5 places in the world where should I go?
B - Thailand, Colombia, the Galapagos, Norway, and Antarctica? ;)
M - This is always a difficult question for me, as I love every place I have seen. Since I have to choose only 5, it would be: being taken away by the remarkable temples at Angkor Wat, falling in love with the adorable animals in the Galapagos, hiking to the top of Wayna Picchu and enjoying the view of Machu Picchu below, walking through the rice fields and being greeted by the locals in the villages of Sapa in Vietnam, and having a gastronomy experience in the south of France.
H - What have been some of the best experiences you've had so far?
B - People in Colombia are amazing. A poor man was selling cheap pens in a local bus and he decided to give one to me so I can remember Colombia and its nice people. Renting a HUGE house in Koh Samui (Thailand) with MuiMui and 5 other friends. Seeing 3 landmarks appearing in front of our eyes: Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu and The Taj Mahal
M - When I think back on our 12 months of travel, what remains closest to my heart is: riding on scooters with our friends to find the best beach in Thailand, hiking in the mud and arriving in paradise at Tayrona National Park in Colombia, our homestay with a wonderful family in Peru, the kind locals that helped us without wanting any return, and meeting friends & family along our travels.
H- Any scary stories or low points?!
B - Nothing really scary as we never got robbed but if I have to choose low point, it would be our experience in Indonesia on the road to Mount Bromo: A driver tried to rip us off and then a group of youngsters on motorbikes “saved” us, which was all an organized scam. We were in the middle on nowhere with no other tourists or public transportation around. It took us 3 hours to get out of there.
M - When we arrived in Arequipa and was looking around for a hotel, we met a female traveler who just experienced an attempted taxi kidnapping the evening before. She was still trembling and emotional and that woke me up how we always have to be careful in any country and as much as we are, shit still happens when there are bad people.
H - What are your top three tips for anyone thinking about travelling?
Both - 1: Go. 2: Meet as many people as you can. 3: Be open-minded and never reject something because it is different from what you are used to. 4: Always be aware of your surroundings.
H - Any do's and don'ts?
Both - DO follow your instincts and change your plans. DO NOT leave your stuff unattended even for a second. When riding on trains or buses, make sure your things are attached to you at all times. It just takes one second of snoozing for your things to be stolen. DO learn the local language or at least use basic phrases or words. DO NOT dress up like you would at home when visiting India. Not only will you shock the people, you may encounter constant harassment. DO try local cuisine away from tourist areas if possible.
H - What's your next dream destination?
Boris - It is hard to say. I want to go back to South America very bad. I will probably visit Bolivia, more of Argentina, Chile, Brazil, maybe we’ll go back to Ecuador and Colombia and if money allows it, an Antarctica cruise leaving from Argentina. For a more “Dreamy” destination, relaxing and diving in Micronesia would be pretty awesome.
MuiMui - I would not call it a dream destination but I am eager to see: Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Africa. I asked Boris once that if he had to pick from buying a car of his dreams or going into space, which would he choose. Boris chose the car and I chose a space voyage.
H - Finally what's the best thing about travelling?
We always think that the best thing is to see beautiful and famous places. After coming back, I don’t think it is true anymore. Learning is the best thing that happens when you travel. Meeting people from different cultures will open your eyes on the world and your own life. This is in our opinion, an invaluable experience.