Well with only 3 weeks and 3 days to go (!!!!!!!) it's the time to start thinking about what to take and what to put it all in. I must say I've had a few sleepless nights over this so far. I think it's so difficult to think what you'll need over a period of 7 months in 3 different continents! You also want to be prepared for emergencies and surprises (especially being so far from home). I've also found so many different opinions on how much to take, what to take and what to leave behind. Lucky for me then that I've found a website that covers everything and you can really edit the information to tailor your own trip. Check it out here - http://travelindependent.info/whattopack.htm
The three important questions to ask yourself when packing are -
1. Would I cry if it got stolen/lost?
2. Will I be able to buy it locally?
3. Can I live without it?
Thanks to the website that's another thing ticked off the list, only about a 1,000 more things to go!! HX
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