Thursday 28 April 2011

Blog crazy

Websites the allow you to blog are usually free, easy and quick - which means there are tons of them out there! They're an amazing way to document something or share an experience with the world, which is perfect when it comes to travelling. This again means there is hundreds of travel blogs out there. I've been looking at a few to get inspiration and adivce for our trip but some of them are just a really good read! They also show what amazing things people are doing every day. It makes you want to shut down the computer, jump on the next plane and join them!

Here's my top 10 - (apart from mine obviously!)

1. - love this, really simple but effective

2. - this guy is travelling by bike, really cool map follower and extras

3.  - this is more commercial but still cool

4. - this has really cool pictures and advice

5. - raises important issues and makes you think about travelling differently

6. - loads of great advice on here

7. - hotels waaaaay out of our price range, but it's nice to dream!

8. - the ultimate backpackers blog

9. - so inventive - video travel blogs!

10. - handy hints of the do's and don't's in countries


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